Raise a can to your gran with our new ltd edn beer in aid of Age UK
May 12, 2021
Here at Brixton Brewery we’ve long recognised that craft beer has a much broader audience than the media image of young hipsters might suggest and have always focussed on making well-balanced beers that can be enjoyed by anyone who just loves a delicious brew.
So when we learnt that Age UK Lambeth had seen a 233% increase in demand for its services over lockdown, we saw an opportunity to create a beer (an OAPA perhaps?!) to be enjoyed by all beer fans, whilst also helping to tackle loneliness in the community. Cue, Generation Pale Ale! Available now via our webshop and taproom.

The beer name and vibrant design (featuring a shopping trolley/boombox for kickass grandmas and grandads) has been officially approved by AgeUK’s members, and every penny raised from beer sales will be donated to the charity so they can continue supporting long lives lived well in our community.
Keep an eye on our social media over the coming weeks for stories from some of the incredible older people who have helped to make Brixton the place we all know and love today – like Peter, who’s been in Brixton since 1976 and was model scouted on the street, aged 60 and Vidur who arrived here from Granada in the 1970s and would love nothing more than a shot at knocking Justin Bieber from the charts.
The creation of Brixton Brewery’s Generation Pale Ale has been truly a community effort, with each ingredient kindly donated – free of charge – to the brewery by Charles Faram and Simpsons Malt in order to reduce costs and increase the proceeds raised for Age UK Lambeth.
Generation Pale Ale (3.8%) is a sprightly pale ale crafted with modern British hops, Olicana® and Harlequin™. It’s packed full of flavour and all the wisdom of the ages.
So as we say on the can… call your gran, make a plan, and let’s party like it’s 2019 baby! Click here to shop!
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